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Chen Siting


Chen Siting


Research Interest:  TOD, Urban Design, Land use, Urban Morphology

Research Projects:

The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities - Technological Innovation Project,2682023CX038, A Study on The Three-dimensional Spatial Patterns of land use in the TOD Station Area Based on Image Analysis,Host,In Progress

Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province of China – Youth Fund Project, 24NSFSC7146, Research on Pattern Recognition and Evolutionary Simulation Methods of Urban Land use based on Graph Neural Networks from a Three-dimensional Spatial Perspective, Host, In Progress

Industry-Academic Collaboration Project, R111222H01015, Summary and Publication Project of the Research on the Transfer Design Method for Interchange Stations of Guangzhou Metro Line 11 and Existing Lines, Participation, In Progress


(1). Siting CHEN*, Shichen ZHAO, and Sheng DANG: THE DEVELOPMENT TENDENCY OF SHINKANSEN STATION AREAS UNDER THE DEPOPULATION BACKGROUND, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on City Planning and Environment Management in Asian Countries, 2434-7671 ,Nov. 2019, p.59-64

(2). CHEN Siting*, ZHAO Shichen, and CHUNG Jaehoon: A Study on Land Development Status and Tendency of Shinkansen Station Areas, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) ,1340-4210 ,Aug. 2020,Volume: 85, Issue:774, p.1715-1725

(3). CHEN Siting*, ZHAO Shichen: A Land-use Pattern Comparison Method Based on Image Smoothing Algorithms and Histogram Similarity, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) ,1340-4210 ,Mar. 2022,Volume: 87, Issue:793, p.620-631

(4). CHEN Siting*, ZHAO Shichen, REN Yujie: A Study on the Land Development Pattern of Shinkansen Station Areas Based on an Image Matching Approach, Journal of Architecture and Urban Design Kyushu University,1346-5325 ,Jan. 2022,No.41, p.1-14

(5). Satoya Kanefuji, Shichen Zhao, and Siting CHEN*: Change of Land Use Around Shinkansen Stations After Development, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on City Planning and Environment Management in Asian Countries, 2434-7671 ,Nov. 2019, p.53-58

(6). Mengge DU, Shichen ZHAO, Siting CHEN*: The Development Course and Location Characteristics of the Medical Mall Taking Fukuoka City as the Case Study, Journal of Architecture and Urban Design Kyushu University,1346-5325 ,Jan. 2022,No.41, p.25-36


 Urban public space design

Architectural design

Professional Practice of Architect

Contact: [email protected]