
Urban and Rural Planning

Urban and Rural Planning
PEOPLE > Faculty > Urban and Rural Planning > Content
Chen Chundi


Chen Chundi

Prof. Dr. Doctoral Supervisor

Research Interests: Ecological Planning and Design, Urban Ecology, Landscape Ecology

Led over 20 research projects supported by the NSFC, MOST (Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs), and the industry. I've authored more than 50 articles featured in leading journals such as Landscape and Urban Planning, and Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. I hold four national invention patents and two software copyrights, with practical applications in ecological and landscape projects. My English monograph on China's urban nature planning history and policies is available at the National Library of China. Currently an editorial board member for SCI journals like Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Additionally, I review research grant applications for national and provincial institutions.

Be selected for the “Western Talent” Program of CAS, and the Science and Technology Talent in Sichuan Province. My work was awarded the Decade of Influence (2010-2019) Paper Prize and highly cited articles featured in CNKI. Moreover, I was awarded the First Prize Science and Technology Award by Shanghai Landscape Architecture Society, as well as the Second Prize of the Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Awards.


Technology and method C Interdisciplinary knowledge application: Spatial Analysis

Guide to Architectural Literature and Academic Writing (Chinese and English)

Contact: Email: chundichen@haiyanforum.com

