

点击量:908 日期:2023/06/29 作者: 编辑:刘野



(1) 日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)基金项目,编号JPMJSP2109,“重新发现城市蓝色健康网络实证研究”,结题,主持
(2) 四川省康巴文化研究中心项目,编号KBYJ2021B011,“康区川藏公路沿线人文旅游动机研究”,结题,参加。
(3) 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地川菜发展研究中心项目,编号CC19W16,“基于饮食文旅融合的乡村美食旅游景观环境研究”,在研,参加。
(4) 四川省景观游憩研究中心项目,编号JGYQ2022030,“绿林融合模式下的川西林盘保护与低影响开发研究”,在研,参加。

(1)Luo Shixian, Shi Jiaying*, Lu Tingyu, Furuya Katsunori. Sit down and rest: Use of virtual reality to evaluate preferences and mental restoration in urban park pavilions. Landscape and Urban Planning, 220, 104336, 2022.
(2)Luo Shixian, Xie Jing, Furuya Katsunori*. Assessing the Preference and Restorative Potential of Urban Park Blue Space. Land, 10(11), 1233, 2021.
(3)Luo, S., Xie, J., & Furuya, K*. (2023). Effects of perceived physical and aesthetic quality of urban blue spaces on user preferences–A case study of three urban blue spaces in Japan. Heliyon, 9(4).
(4)Luo Shixian, Xie Jing, Furuya Katsunori*. “We Need such a Space”: Residents’ Motives for Visiting Urban Green Spaces during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 13(12), 6806, 2021.
(5)Luo Shixian*, Furuya Katsunori, Xie Jing. Impacts and residents’ attitudes to flower-viewing tourism in Chengdu, PR China. Tourism Recreation Research, 46(4), 516-530, 2021.
(6)Du Yue, Zou Zan, He Yaodong, Zhou Yongge, Luo Shixian*. Beyond Blue and Green Spaces: Identifying and Characterizing Restorative Environments on Sichuan Technology and Business University Campus. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13500, 2022.
(7)Yang Mian, Luo Shixian*. Effects of Rural Restaurants’ Outdoor Dining Environment Dimensions on Customers’ Satisfaction: A Consumer Perspective. Foods, 10(9), 2172, 2021.
(8)Yan, Q., Luo, S.*, & Jiang, J. Urban Residents’ Preferred Walking Street Setting and Environmental Factors: The Case of Chengdu City. Buildings, 13(5), 1199, 2023.
(9)Ke Lu, Furuya Katsunori*, Luo Shixian. Case comparison of typical transit-oriented-development stations in Tokyo district in the context of sustainability: Spatial visualization analysis based on FAHP and GIS. Sustainable Cities and Society, 68, 102788, 2021.
(10)Chen, J., Kinoshita, T., Li, H.*, Luo, S., Su, D., Yang, X., & Hu, Y. Toward Green Equity: An Extensive Study on Urban Form and Green Space Equity for Shrinking Cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 90, 104395, 2023.
(11)Ding Keying, Yang Mian*, Luo Shixian. Mountain Landscape Preferences of Millennials Based on Social Media Data: A Case Study on Western Sichuan. Land, 10(11), 1246, 2021.
(12)Wang Qian, Luo Shixian, Zhang Jiao, Furuya Katsunori*. Increased Attention to Smart Development in Rural Areas: A Scientometric Analysis of Smart Village Research. Land, 11(8), 1362, 2022.
(13)Xie Jing, Luo Shixian, Furuya Katsunori, Sun Dajiang*. Urban parks as green buffers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 12(17), 6751, 2020.
(14)Wu Linjia, Dong Qidi, Luo Shixian, Jiang Wenyuan, Hao Ming, Chen Qibing*. Effects of Spatial Elements of Urban Landscape Forests on the Restoration Potential and Preference of Adolescents. Land, 10(12), 1349, 2021.
(15)Xie Jing, Luo Shixian, Furuya Katsunori*, Kagawa Takahide*, Yang Mian. A Preferred Road to Mental Restoration in the Chinese Classical Garden. Sustainability, 14(8), 4422, 2022.
(16)Wu Linjia, Dong Qidi, Luo Shixian, Li Yanling, Liu Yuzhou, Li Jiani, Zhu Zhixian, He Mingliang, Luo Yuhang, Chen Qibing*. An Empirical Study of the Restoration Potential of Urban Deciduous Forest Space to Youth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3453, 2022.
(17)Jiang Jiayi, Xia Zhengwei*, Sun Xiaodi, Wang Xuanxuan, Luo Shixian. Social Infrastructure and Street Networks as Critical Infrastructure for Aging Friendly Community Design: Mediating the Effect of Physical Activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 11842, 2022.
(18)Wang, H., Luo, S., & Furuya, K*. What attracts tourists to press the shutter in cultural heritage tourism? An analysis of visitor-employed photography and visual attributes: a case study on Japan’s Kairakuen Garden. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-17, 2022.
(19)Wu, L.*, Luo, S., Li, D., Chen, Q., Li, J., & Wen, J. Effects of Deciduous Forests on Adolescent Emotional Health in Urban Areas: An Example from the Autumn Ginkgo Forest in Chengdu. Forests, 14(6), 1099, 2023.
(20)Luo, S., Xie, J., & Furuya, K.*. Using Google Street View Panoramas to evaluate the environmental aesthetics quality of blue spaces in urban area. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1092(1), 12001, 2022.
(21)罗施贤,成曦,段捷 等.四川省乡土民宿发展新模式[J].安徽农业科学,2017,45(03):207-210+225.
(22)罗施贤,成曦,陈秋渝 等.浅谈乡土民宿平衡建设的三大基点[J].现代园艺,2017, 333(09):96-99.
(23)罗施贤,成曦,冯戎 等.乡土景观设计的新思考——地域感知坐标与建构[J].山东林业科技,2017,47(06):67-74.
(24)陈秋渝,杨俊熙,罗施贤 等.川西林盘文化景观基因识别与提取[J].热带地理,2019,39(02):254-266.
(25)刘艾,罗施贤,谢静 等.安置小区绿地踩踏类型探讨与改善对策研究[J].现代园艺,2019, 385(13):8-13.
(26)谢静,韩周林,罗施贤.绵阳西山公园历史文化及其园林特色分析[J].乡村科技,2019, 227(23):61-63.
(27)罗施贤,谢静.基于旅游区生命周期模型的川西林盘旅游发展探究[J].四川旅游学院学报,2020, 150(05):57-61.

《川西林盘景观意象研究》,副主编,四川大学出版社,2019年9月,ISBN: 978-7-5690-3068-6

1.Shixian Luo, Jing Xie, Dajiang Sun, Katsunori Furuya. The Color Image of Linpan in Western Sichuan, China. 2019 International Conference on Religion, Culture and Art (Clausius Scientific Press Inc), 70-82, 2019. doi: 10.23977/icrca.2019.012.
2.Shixian Luo, Jiaying Shi, Tingyu Lu, Katsunori Furuya. Evaluation of Pavilion’s Sitting Preferences and Mental Restorations based on Virtual Reality Scenes: A Cae Study of Urban Parks in Tokyo, Japan. The 5th International Symposium on Digital Landscapes (Southeast University Press Inc), 253-275, 2021. //arch.seu.edu.cn/2021/1013/c9122a386224/pagem.htm.
3.Shixian Luo, Jing Xie, Katsunori Furuya. Using Google Street View Panoramas to evaluate the environmental aesthetics quality of blue spaces in urban area. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES), The 6th International Symposium of Sustainable Landscape Development, Volume 1092, 2022, doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1092/1/012001.
4.Huixin Wang, RT Manningtyas, Shixian Luo, D Danniswari, Katsunori Furuya. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university students' use of campus green space and recommendations for post-epidemic green space management. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES), The 6th International Symposium of Sustainable Landscape Development, Volume 1092, 2022, doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1092/1/012009.
5.Jing Xie, Xueqian Zhou, Shixian Luo, Dajiang Sun. The Significance of Xishu Garden regarding Park City Construction: The Case of Du Fu Thatched Cottage. 12th International Symposium on City Planning and Environmental Management in Asian Countries (AURG), Seoul, Korea. 75-80, 2019.
6.Qin Tang, Shixian Luo, Jie Duan, Dajiang Sun. Analysis on the Microclimate Construction of Typical Space Types in Xishu Garden. 1st Landscape Architecture v.s. Microclimate International Conference, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. 807-812, 2018. //www.sohu.com/a/219044107_688519.
7.(口头发表)公园城市与环境健康,另一场城市革命? 2020年中国风景园林年会,青年人才创新研究实践专场,四川农业大学
8.(口头发表)基于虚拟现实场景的园林亭坐憩偏好和心理恢复评估 2021年中国风景园林学会主题活动,第五届数字景观国际研讨会,青年学者报告专场,东南大学
9.(口头发表)Shixian Luo, Katsunori Furuya. Preferences of Tourists and the Utilization of Landscape Resources from the Perspective of Hanami in Urban parks. Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Chiba University, Japan. 25-26, 2019.
10.(口头发表)Shixian Luo, Jing Xie, Katsunori Furuya. Relationship between the impact of flower viewing tourism and residentis' attitude. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online conference, Japan. 2020.

担任《Cities》、《npj Urban Sustainability》、《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》、《Leisure Studies》、《Current World Environment》、《Land》、《Frontiers in Sustainable Cities》、《Tourism Recreation Research》、《Journal of Urban Management》、《Journal of Urban Health》、《Urban science》、《Journal of Advanced Transportation》等学术期刊审稿人


1.(2022.03) Current World Environment期刊授予,“杰出审稿人”;
2.(2023.04) 中国科学文献计量评价研究中心,《川西林盘文化景观基因识别与提取》被评选为“高下载、高被引论文”;

开设课程:技术与方法 I (社会调查设计与方法)、国土景观数字化应用与方法


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