

点击量:116 日期:2025/01/06 作者: 编辑:刘野






1. Jiang, Y., et. al. (2021). Spatial disparity of individual and collective walking behaviors: A new theoretical framework. Transportation Research Part D. (SCI&SSCI, IF = 7.4)2. Jiang, Y., et. al. (2024). Tree abundance, species richness, or species mix? Exploring the relationship between features of urban street trees and pedestrian volume in Jinan, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. (SSCI, IF = 6.4)

3. Jiang, Y., et. al. (2022). Effects of built environment factors on obesity risk across three types of residential community in Beijing. Journal of Transport & Health. (SSCI, IF = 3.6)

4.·Jiang, Y., et. al. (2023). Identifying urban-rural disparities and associated factors in the prevalence of disabilities in Tianjin, China. Land. (SCI&SSCI, IF = 3.9)

5. 姜宇逍,陆毅,运迎霞,& 任利剑. (2024). 基于梯度理论的北京通勤圈城市活力特征与影响机制研究[J]. 城市规划学刊.

6. Pang, L., Jiang, Y.*, et. al. (2023). Research of metro stations with varying patterns of ridership and their relationship with built environment on the Example of Tianjin, China. Sustainability. (SCI&SSCI, IF = 3.9)

7. ·Liu, D., Jiang, Y., et. al. (2023). Establishing a citywide street tree inventory with street view images and computer vision techniques. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. (SCI&SSCI, IF = 6.8, ESI高被引论文)

8. Qiu, N., Jiang, Y., et. al. (2023). The impact of disability-related deprivation on employment opportunity at the neighborhood level: does family socioeconomic status matter? Frontiers in Public Health (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 5.2)

9. Yu, Y., Jiang, Y., et. al. (2022). Exploring built environment factors on e-bike travel behavior in urban China: A case study of Jinan. Frontiers in Public Health. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 5.2)

10. Wei, D., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., et. al. (2024). Deciphering the effect of user-generated content on park visitation: A comparative study of nine Chinese cities in the Pearl River Delta. Land Use Policy. (SCI&SSCI, IF = 6.0)

11. Xu, X., Dong, R., Li Z., Jiang, Y., et. al. (2024). Research on visual experience evaluation of fortress heritage landscape by integrating SBE–SD method and eye movement analysis. Heritage Science. (SSCI&AHCI, IF = 2.6)

12. 邱宁,张天洁,姜宇逍,王宇,韩欣宇 (2023).后脱贫时代残疾人公共服务设施可达性与多维贫困的耦合特征研究——以天津市为例[J]. 新建筑.

13. 庞磊,任利剑,姜宇逍,孙忠,运迎霞 (2024). 建成环境对不同时段轨道交通站点客流的影响机制分析[J]. 西部人居环境学刊.


1. 国家重大社科项目,基于智慧技术的滨海大城市安全策略与综合防灾措施研究, 13&ZD162,参与

2. 香港研究资助局研究基金项目(GRF),城市绿化与城市居民健康:评估街道绿化的新方法, 11207520,参与

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,轨道交通网络生长下的城市功能动态组织机制与规划响应研究——以天津为例, 51508378,参与

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向就业型规划分区的产业-交通-空间互动演化机制与协同路径研究:以天津为例, 52278070,参与


1. 第六届金经昌中国城乡规划研究生论文竞赛金奖论文,排名1/1.

2. 2019年度天津市优秀城乡规划设计一等奖,排名9/12.


1. 2019-2010年度 北京市大兴区乡村责任规划师

2. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening; Journal of Transport & Health; BMC Geriatrics; Heritage Science 等国际期刊匿名审稿人

3. HK Tech 300 创业基金 Co-Investigator (HKD 100,000)

【实践项目】1. 河南省舞钢市城乡总体规划(2015-2030年),主要参与人

2. 河北省高阳县循环经济区控制性详细规划,项目负责人

3. 山东省金乡县羊山镇特色小镇规划设计,项目负责人

4. 山东省诸城市万兴新城整体城市设计,项目骨干

5. 西藏日喀则卡堆乡建设规划,项目负责人

6. 天津市大邱庄镇工业区控制性详细规划,项目负责人

7. 北京大兴区采育镇村庄规划,项目负责人

上一篇: 陈杰
